Blogs Thomas Cook blog for thinkmoney

Thomas Cook blog for thinkmoney

Article to reassure customers that their money is safe, and provide information about claiming it back.

Blogs Car costs blog for thinkmoney

Car costs blog for thinkmoney

Blog to show how thinkmoney’s budgeting account can help car owners manage their finances better.

Blogs TV licence blog for thinkmoney

TV licence blog for thinkmoney

Blog to simplify when a TV licence is required and when it’s not, using real world examples relevant to customers.

Blogs Scam awareness campaign for thinkmoney

Scam awareness campaign for thinkmoney

Content plan to make customers aware of different types of scams, how they work, and what they can do to stay secure.

Portfolio SEO landing pages for thinkmoney

SEO landing pages for thinkmoney

A series of web pages tailored to a specific set of keywords to improve thinkmoney’s visibility in search results for a wide range of relevant search queries.